Sep 8, 2024

The Twilight Zone

(Before I start, I want to explain why I haven't posted here in the last few days: My computer got a virus, and I was dealing with that. I literally can't get a day without something weird happening. I was so paranoid about losing everything, but I got through it without losing anything. Anyway, I factory reset my laptop, changed all my passwords, and took all necessary measures to prevent future problems. It’s alright now. I have too many unpublished posts ugh)


Back in 2018, I was really into the Dark Shadows series and The Twilight Zone. I discovered Rush through this obsession. Seeing references to the things I like always makes me feel excited. After discovering them, and seeing what a legend Geddy Lee was, Rush was added to my obsessions list

Also, lots of respect to him for his vocal + bass combo since I find it impossible to sing while playing the bass.

About the song, the lyrics tell the story of two particular episodes of the series. Nothing special if you haven't heard of The Twilight Zone. But the musical composition is just PERFECT. Every instrument is in such harmony, and the second chorus' whisper vocals add the mysterious atmosphere of the series to the song. The bass is really up front, one of the best basslines of all time, in my opinion.



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