Nov 15, 2024


 It's been 13 days since I last posted here because I've been busy studying for my midterms. My exams will be over by next Friday. Anyway, I wanted to write on here to just yap and distract myself.

My grandad has been here for the last few weeks, and I've spent a lot of time talking to him about school, politics, family etc. Both my mum and him think that I'm the copy of my late grandmother. She passed away in 1999 after battling with cancer, so I never knew her. But according to almost every relative I facially and behaviourally resemble her a lot. Here, it's a tradition for the eldest male in your father's family to whisper a prayer and your name into your right ear when you're born. My name on the paper wasn't the one whispered to my ear, it was my grandmother's. People believe names shape who you are, and you're destined to live the same fate as the person you're named after. So, my mum wasn't really happy when my grandad whispered her mother's name to my ear since she lived a rather painful life.

Before my great-grandmother passed, she used to confuse me as her daughter and cry every time she saw me thinking I was her. It was sad then and it still is...

They say that we like the same music, enjoy the same foods, act the same, look the same, and share a love for smoking. I just hope I don’t share the same fate as her.

 It's strange hearing everyone describe someone so much like me; someone I'll never meet, who also never had the chance to meet me.


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