Oct 1, 2024


I'm so much better now. Happy again, finally.

More important than my day: REVOL HD MV YIPPIEEE!!! It wasn't as bad as the old faster mv but it's good to have it in HD too :)))))

back to the journal entry:

Today was a great one, I can't believe how I worried about something that literally no one cares about. My friends just complimented me throughout the day; they don't care that my weight hasn't changed since the last time they saw me. Who even judges someone for maintaining their weight? Come on. Of course, I care more about how I see myself, but when I was looking at my reflection in the bathroom mirror at school, my cheeks and eyes looked so sunken. It was almost a bit scary seeing myself like that. I haven't kept anything I've eaten for the last 5 days, and I'm severely dehydrated. 

I'm sooo tired.

After returning from our 15-minute class break, I felt my chest tighten, and I had to go out for fresh air. It was so scary. I stayed outside and listened to music to calm myself down, so I couldn't listen to the last half of the lesson.

I hope I can drop back to where I was two months ago by the end of this month and look better. All this suffering has to have some good outcome.

Besides all that, it's been the best day I've had in a long time <3

+++ I love LOVE listening to "Waking Up" while walking at the train station. It's a euphoric experience.

Goooood night :) <333



At October 3, 2024 at 1:07 AM , Anonymous ThomasTristesse said...

I feel so happy you feel better :) Waking Up is an anthem of healing, I played that song to death last year, it became such a comforting ear-worm :)


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